I'm happy to announce that instead of publishing my award-winning mid-length animated film, GIRL & IT, on May 1st, I decided to publish it this Friday. The reason is because I'm gonna be out of the country sometime before May 1st and the internet connection where I'm gonna be in isn't pretty at all.
Some Newgrounds users have already seen the animated film a year ago and mostly received positive feedback from them. If you haven’t seen the trailer for it yet, you can check it out here (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/632661).
GIRL & IT’s Synopsis:
The hunter sets out to hunt a horned beast to prove himself worthy of taking the throne after his father. After he encounters the beast, he chases it into the deep forest. While searching for it, he stumbled upon a mysterious girl who lives with the beast.
IMDB Page (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3304900/?ref_=ttpl_pl_tt)
I’m currently working on my 4th animated film called HUJAN DAN HIJAU and is expected to finish by December of this year. I also managed to get DC Douglas (Albert Wesker from RESIDENT EVIL 5 and Legion from MASS EFFECT series) to do the voice work.
Stay tuned for more news!
Regards, Mohammad Ahmed Fikree www.mohdfikree.com
Whoa. I totally remember seeing this teaser a long time ago! It's good to hear I'll be able to see it.