It's here! It's finally here! ATLARTOR: GIRL & IT, which won awards at both the 10th Dubai International Film Festival and Abu Dhabi Film Festival, is now available here at Newgrounds! The animation style may not be the best, but at least I tried to have the visuals look great. I hope you all will enjoy this 40 minute animated film!
Watch: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/655939
GIRL & IT’s Synopsis:
The hunter sets out to hunt a horned beast to prove himself worthy of taking the throne after his father. After he encounters the beast, he chases it into the deep forest. While searching for it, he stumbled upon a mysterious girl who lives with the beast.
Regards, Mohammad Ahmed Fikree www.mohdfikree.com
Happy to finally watch this thingofficially! :) Was a real surprise voting my way through the portal feed (as I fortunately always do... though I'd expect it'll appear in the P-Bot list tomorrow too *knock on wood*) and seeing this amidst the masses.... fingers crossed for a highscore!