First off, happy 20th anniversary Newgrounds!
Regarding my upcoming feature-length animated film, HUJAN DAN HIJAU, I would like to welcome two more voice cast, they're known for their voice works in popular video games. I already shared few months ago that D.C Douglas (Albert Wesker from RESIDENT EVIL 5) has joined and already recorded his parts, the two other voice cast are Guy Cihi (James Sunderland from SILENT HILL 2) and Adam Harrington (Bigby from WOLF AMONG US). Thankfully Cihi has already finished his scenes and now currently working with Harrington on his. Production is going well so far andĀ
I just now started the animation production.
Hopefully I'll finally prepare a new teaser trailer for this coming January. Stay tuned!
Regards, Mohammad Ahmed FikreeĀ www.mohdfikree.com
Sounds interesting!